Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Busy busy!

I've had a busy week or so trying to organise not one, not two, but three exhibitions! One for Dublin later in the year, one in Donegal and I'm at the formative stages of one in Derry too.

In the meantime, the ad campaign I shot for Discover Ireland is now out there in the public domain! I've included one shot sent on to me by the ad agency but will have a full set of the bus wraps, citylights and press ads online as soon as I can.

While I'm on a roll, I'll just mention this article I came across today, "78 Photography Rules for Complete Idiots". Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Urban Art

I'm really absolutely loving some of the fantastic new graffiti art appearing around the city. Some of it, like this shot here, is wonderfully politically charged. Some are great social statements. One way or another I'm going to put an exhibition of them together as I've developed quite a large collection!

Speaking of exhibitions, I'm hoping to have a new exhibition soon in Greencastle in Co. Donegal. Shots of the local landscape taken over the past year or so. I'll keep you all updated.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Just One Weekend

A good portion of the weekend was spent enjoying the glorious sunshine and shooting a project called "One Weekend". The idea is to cover several cities over one weekend each and to produce an exhibition and book that displays the vibe and characters of that city's uniqueness.

Cities I plan on covering in the future include:
• Derry
• Berlin
• London